Saturday, December 1, 2007

The All-Seeing Eye Just Got a Set of All-Hearing Ears

According to Sports Media War:
The NBA will begin miking players and coaches during nationally televised games, starting this week… Cameras will also record "pregame, halftime and postgame meetings" from team locker rooms… Future plans have players getting microphones "sewn into their uniforms."

Unless the league officials are paranoid, I think they're trying too hard to appeal to fan interest in a creative way. It's a cool concept, but it places an extra burden on coaches and players to watch their mouths during a game. They might say things they probably won't in a normal situation, but trash talk flows free and easy in a competitive atmosphere. I guess I might be stretching this too much, but what if the league starts fining coaches and players for bashing other coaches, players, or refs in a game? It would be a no-win situation, considering the league already fined coaches in 2000 for refusing to wear mikes.

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